Tuesday is Supposed to be A Productive Day...

My baby (can I still call him that?!) has been making leaps and bounds in growing up. I get so excited but it breaks my heart at the same time!
Lately he has been absolutely crazy about Play Doh, cherry tomatoes, strawberries, beef, fruit snacks, his big brother Jack, and his amazing step dad. He kinda does a little happy dance when he sees any one of these things, it's adorable!
He has started helping out with the little things, like putting toys away, putting clothes in the hamper, he has almost mastered dressing and undressing himself, and he has become so affectionate, I love it!
When we first moved here, he didn't handle the change very well and wasn't sleeping well. Now he sleeps like a champ, and has settled in wonderfully. He is still pretty clingy but he has toned it down a lot.
It has been a month and a half since I married my soul mate and it has been so incredible. It has been the best decision I've ever made. Max is such an amazing husband, he makes me feel like a queen!
Easter is right around the corner and (hopefully) summer will follow shortly. We have a big #2 birthday to plan!! So excited!! Play Doh theme? Maybe!


Aimee said...

Happy to know you are doing well. Loves to all!

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